KIF1A.ORG is powered by our community of families, friends and supporters. We are dedicated to improving the lives of those affected by KIF1A Associated Neurological Disorder and accelerating research to find a cure.

You can help us achieve our mission faster by fundraising for KIF1A.ORG. From donating your birthday to KIF1A.ORG to hosting a silent auction event, there are plenty of opportunities for you to get involved.

Facebook Fundraisers

Facebook Birthday Fundraiser

Facebook makes it easy to “donate” your birthday to KIF1A.ORG by creating an online fundraiser. Set a goal—whether it’s $100 or $5,000, every dollar advances our mission—and share with your family and friends.

Facebook Fundraiser – Anytime of the Year

Don’t want to wait until your birthday to raise money for KIF1A.ORG? You can set up a fundraiser in minutes. Bonus: Facebook doesn’t charge transaction fees, so 100% of donations goes directly to KIF1A.ORG.

Bonfire Fundraiser

Launch an online t-shirt fundraiser to benefit KIF1A.ORG on Bonfire! Bonfire makes it easy to create your own t-shirt designs using custom artwork or Bonfire’s design tools. Bonfire takes care of all the orders, printing and shipping.

Fundraiser Playbooks

We’re working with KIF1A families who have hosted successful fundraisers to create Fundraiser Playbooks to share their event plans and insights so you don’t have to start from scratch.

Trivia Night Playbook

The Gogel family shares their event planning details, lessons learned and templates you can use to host a Trivia Night and/or Silent Auction for KIF1A.ORG.

Their event, Mighty Abby Trivia Night, raised nearly $25,000 for KIF1A.ORG!

Golf Tournament Playbook

The Morris family shares their event planning details, lessons learned and templates you can use to host a Golf Tournament for KIF1A.ORG.

Their event, Swing for the Cure Emmery Morris Golf Tournament , raised nearly $27,000 for KIF1A.ORG!

Silent Auction Playbook

The Morris family shares their event planning details, lessons learned and templates you can use to host a Silent Auction for KIF1A.ORG.

Their event, Bid for the Cure Emmery Morris Silent Auction , raised nearly $20,000 for KIF1A.ORG!

Fundraising Ideas

Check out this gallery of family-led fundraisers organized by KIF1A families for ideas and inspiration. Click on each image for a closer look.