KIF1A.ORG hosted the 2022 KAND Family & Scientific Engagement Conference on August 13th. Thank you to the KIF1A.ORG community of patients, families, scientists, clinicians, biotech leaders, and supporters who gathered together to hear the latest updates in research and therapeutic development. Together we share the same mission: to improve the lives of those affected by KIF1A Associated Neurological Disorder (KAND) and accelerate research to find a cure!
Below you will find the session recordings and presentation slides. You can also find these presentations on our YouTube Playlist.

Transcript coming soon!

Gia’s Family
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Transcript coming soon!

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Transcript coming soon!

Columbia University Irving Medical Center

Associate Professor of Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine
Columbia University Motor Neuron Center
Transcript coming soon!
Transcript coming soon!

Transcript coming soon!

Head of Neuroscience
Assistant Research Professor
University of California, Irvine
Transcript coming soon!

Head of Neuroscience
Assistant Research Professor
University of California, Irvine
Transcript coming soon!

Research Officer & Research Fellow
Christodoulou Lab,
Murdoch Children’s Research Institute

Children’s Hospital at Westmead,
University of Sydney
Transcript coming soon!

Research Officer & Research Fellow
Christodoulou Lab,
Murdoch Children’s Research Institute

Children’s Hospital at Westmead,
University of Sydney
Transcript coming soon!

Associate Director,
Pre-Clinical Research
Ovid Therapeutics
Transcript coming soon!

Associate Director,
Pre-Clinical Research
Ovid Therapeutics

Vice President,
Pre-Clinical Research
Ovid Therapeutics
Transcript coming soon!

Transcript coming soon!
Transcript coming soon!
Bonus Content
Learn more about the KIF1A Research Network and how each of the interviewed members fit into KIF1A research and therapeutic development!
Thank you to our sponsors for supporting our mission at KIF1A.ORG!