Austin’s Superhero Story

Austin’s Superhero Story

Austin is a 5 year old superhero from Alberta. His family shares that “he has an amazing smile that lights up the room and he flashes it every time he hears a familiar voice.”

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Emily’s Superhero Story

Emily’s Superhero Story

Emily is a relentless KIF1A superhero from North Carolina. “She has a contagious smile and loves with her whole heart. She works very hard to stay strong while waiting for a treatment or cure for KIF1A.”

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Eugenia’s Superhero Story

Eugenia’s Superhero Story

“She knows about her condition, and when she feels frustrated because of pain or because she’s unable to do something, she says ‘I hate KIF1A!’ However, she has discovered a lot of friends ‘just like her’ through this community…”

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James’ Superhero Story

James’ Superhero Story

James is a 22-year-old KIF1A superhero. His mom shares, “Treatment is so important because it can impact his quality of life as well as life itself for James and those impacted with this horrible disorder.”

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Harlin’s Superhero Story

Harlin’s Superhero Story

“The day he got his KIF1A diagnosis was the day I stopped thinking ‘I just want him to get to live a normal life’ and I started thinking ‘I just want him to live.’”

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