#ScienceSaturday posts share relevant and exciting scientific news with the KAND community, and are compiled by Alejandro Doval. Alejandro is from Spain and serves as Team Leader of the KIF1A.ORG parent-led Research Engagement Team. Send news suggestions to our team at impact@kif1a.org.
Welcome to the special #RareDiseaseDay edition of #ScienceSaturday! All around the world KIF1A families and researchers are more committed than ever to accelerating scientific discovery toward KAND treatment. At the 2020 KAND Conference, KIF1A.ORG is expecting over 50 KAND families to join some of the world’s brightest and most dedicated researchers and clinicians. Together, we’ll #StopTheClock on KAND and discover treatment for this generation of KAND warriors. You can help by supporting our Virtual Lemonade Stand this Rare Disease Day.
Recent KIF1A-Related Research
KIF1A-related disorders in children: a wide spectrum of central and peripheral nervous system involvement
In this paper from the UK, researchers present a case series of 12 patients and describe a wide range of severity and symptoms associated with KAND. Learn more about KAND symptoms here and on NORD’s KIF1A profile.