January 10, 2000–February 17, 2018

From Eetu’s family:
Eetu was diagnosed with cerebral palsy when he was two. At three he was diagnosed with epilepsy and at six he started having trouble comprehending academic subjects like mathematics. When he was between seven and ten, he had some issues with aggression and was diagnosed with ADHD. In time Eetu’s physical condition worsened and he went through many surgeries. When he was sixteen he was diagnosed with polyneuropathy and optic atrophy, which progressed rapidly.
He was such a brave boy. He always said, “I will survive through this and I will continue walking up until the very end.” Oh, how he was right about that! He never used his wheelchair even though he was often tired and was unable to walk very far.
Eetu enjoyed photographing nature, making YouTube videos, playing Minecraft, and watching stand-up comedy. His YouTube name was Edu Ruukki. He loved to advocate and tell people about his illness. He was very social and helped others whenever he had the chance. His favorite therapy was music therapy. Eetu also enjoyed drawing his own comic strips. He will always be missed and forever be remembered.