KIF1A.ORG is constantly connecting families with physicians who treat KAND patients around the world. This list is constantly evolving, so please utilize this tool as a way to locate physicians who have clinical experience treating families affected by KAND.
With the information provided to us by our caregiver and patient community, a global directory of clinicians s a valuable resource for both new families, and families seeking care in their region of the world.
Our KAND Clinician Directory is generated through recommendations of KIF1A families. We hope this list serves as a helpful resource as you search for the best possible care team. If you are a family or a physician who would like to add to our growing network, please complete the survey or email so we can keep this resource current and available for the medical and patient community.
The average rating of clinician provided is based on a scale of 1 to 5 (1: Unsatisfactory or Not At All Knowledgeable, 3: Neutral, 5: Satisfactory or Knowledgeable).
Use the search and zoom functions to find clinicians in your area. If there are multiple clinicians working in the same city or medical facility, you may need to zoom in close on the map to see multiple entries. View KAND Clinician Map in a full screen map.